Practice Story

The classical „Red Vienna“ may be changing to Blue!

Written by Julia Shropshire

The upcoming elections, may be a drastic change for Vienna’s political stance. For many decades, dating back to World War II, Vienna has been in political control by the „red“ social democratic party, SPO. Nevertheless, this may all change with these elections, due to the evident support for the „Blue“ Far right party, FPO.

Second paragraph (or fill-in paragraph if the lead is two paragraphs long)
Webster Vienna was able to receive a preview of the upcoming elections at the „Vienna Votes“ event where both parties were present. It is very obvious that both parties have very different ideals in many topics including, education and immigration. Due to the high influx of the refugee crisis, this may be the topic with the most weight in this years election.

„There is nothing wrong with the system. The problem is we have too many immigrants.“ said Leo Kohlbauer, FPÖ representative. “We are the party for Austrians,” he added.

Background and
Hundreds of thousands of immigrants have entered the EU, most of them fleeing from war, causing ant-immigrant sentiment has grown across the EU, including Austria.

Recent elections in the north part of Austria have shown that the FPO, anti-immigrant goals are gaining the popular vote of our people. This could possibly cause the classical „Red“ (SPO) Vienna to switch to „Blue“ (FPO).

All of this remains undecided until the election date on October 11th, 2015. Every vote counts!

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